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Here’s a list of 25 gut-wrenching films, which make you question as to how much is too much?

1. Requiem for a Dream (USA), 2000

Not much for blood or gore, but this is one harrowing movie about a couple of drug-peddlers, a sex worker and an elderly woman hell-bent on losing weight via ‘diet pills’. Deeply depressing.

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    Endless space is a favorite subject of many authors of science fiction novels, films and the best video games. It's time to plunge headlong into this unreal world and show who is the coolest in space. Sometimes the story will be about humans defending their homeland, and other times gamers will have to take control of an alien as well, so it's time to turn on the warp drives to maximum speed and begin exploring, gaining allies and exchanging technologies. Have you personally witnessed a UFO? Only a select handful are successful since it is not so simple. Some people think that intelligent life does not exist outside the Earth and that theories about them are the creations of lunatics, while others are positive that intelligent alien life exists and exists in space. But the subject is dear to both sides. The designers have produced extraterrestrial games for both proponents and opponents of the paranormal.

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